Low Carbon Construct Forum (LCCF) is a not-for-profit Company registered under Indian Companies Act 2013 (18 of 2013). The Corporate Identity number of the company is U85300MH2021NPL363059.
We are a group of individuals who believe that there is an urgent need to reduce emission of greenhouse gases – mainly carbon dioxide – from the mother Earth. Founder Members of our group have long experience in the building and construction spheres. We have joined hands to create awareness for radically reducing operational and embodied carbon from buildings and construction in India. We believe that the awareness created through knowledge-sharing exercise will lead to collective and collaborative initiatives that will be conducive to achieve reduction in the carbon footprints.
Since building and construction sectors account for nearly 38% of carbon emissions globally (http://globalabc.org), reducing emissions from these sectors is considered as one of the most cost-effective ways of alleviating the adverse effects of Climate Change. Low Carbon Construct Forum would astutely advocate this strategy and try to convince other stakeholders to follow the same.