Prof. Mahesh Tandon

Prof Mahesh Tandon, Managing Director, Tandon Consultants Pvt Ltd is an international expert in the field of Structural Engineering. Many of the structures designed by Tandon Consultants have been widely acclaimed and have received recognition in India and internationally. He has spearheaded the development of new codes of practice and path-breaking bridge technologies suited to Indian conditions. His structures are described as highly creative, futuristic, aesthetic, environmentally sensitive and innovative. Prof Tandon has made significant contributions in the development of a culture for innovation in structural engineering both within and outside his organization by sharing his expertise and experience. His special areas of interest also include motivating the next generation to adopt Civil Engineering as their profession and vocation in life. He received several awards and citations.
Er Alok Bhowmick

Er. Bhowmick is the Managing Director of a leading firm “B&S Engineering Consultants Pvt Ltd” and holds a post-graduate degree in structural engineering from IIT, Delhi. He has more than 40 years of Design Consultancy experience in transportation infrastructure. He has received several awards and citations in his professional career. In 2018, he was awarded with 24th S B Joshi Memorial Award for Excellence in Bridge & Structural Engineering. He is an active member of several professional bodies (e.g.. IABMAS, IEI, CEAI, IABSE, IAStructE, ECI) and code making bodies (e.g.. IRC, BIS).
Ms Alpa Seth

After obtaining Master’s degree from the University of California, Berkley, Ms Alpa Seth has been the Lead Designer for more 200 projects involving residential, commercial, institutional and industrial construction, including seismic retrofit. She has been a Senior Partner with Vakil, Mehta Sheth for over 30 years and currently the Managing Director of VMS Consultants Pvt Ltd. Her main areas of interest are design of tall buildings, urban planning, safe habitat and earthquake risk mitigation. She has rendered yeomen’s service as seismic advisor to Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority and to the state of Maharashtra. She has also made a remarkable contribution to development of Indian standard on structural safety of tall concrete buildings IS 16700 -2017 and in redrafting of two earthquake standards. Ms Sheth has displayed excellent leadership quality in the establishment and growth of SEFI – a leading forum of structural engineers with membership exceeding 25,000. She has been a strong advocate of industry-academia partnership.
Er. Jose Kurian

Jose Kurian obtained M. Tech from IIT, Delhi and also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Earthquake Engineering from the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Japan. Mr Kurian spent a major part of the career with the Central Public Works Department, and the Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation. He was involved in the planning, design and construction of a number of prestigious structures in Delhi. He has contributed immensely in the development and revision of a number of Indian Standards on Cement and Concrete. He is the Chairman of BIS Committee CED 2 and is the Convener for the National Building Code Panel for Concrete. Mr Kurian received many awards and citations. He has authored over 50 technical papers presented in conferences and published in journals in India and abroad.
Prof Manu Santhanam

Manu Santhanam is a Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. He obtained his B Tech degree from IIT Madras in 1994, followed by MS from Purdue University in 1996 and PhD in 2001. He joined IIT Madras soon after the completion of his PhD. Prof. Manu Santhanam specializes in research on cementitious materials from an interdisciplinary approach, wherein sophisticated analytical techniques from chemistry and materials science are used to explore the link between microstructure and performance of cement-based materials. The primary focus of Prof. Santhanam’s research has been the performance of concrete prepared with supplementary cementing materials. Prof. Santhanam has published more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and is on the Editorial Board of Cement and Concrete Composites, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Sustainable Cement Based Materials and Advances in Cement Research.
Dr. N. Subramanian

Dr. N. Subramanian, Ph.D., FNAE, an award-winning author, consultant, and mentor, now living in the USA, is the former chief executive of Computer Design Consultants, Chennai. A doctorate from IITM, he also worked with the TU Berlin and the TU Bundeswehr, Munich for 2 years as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. Dr Subramanian has 45 years of professional experience in consultancy, research, and teaching in India and abroad. He has designed more than 800 projects and developed several software packages in Structural Analysis and Design in the 1980s. Dr. Subramanian has authored 25 well acclaimed books and more than 300 journal and conference papers. He received many awards and citations.